Monday 9 January 2012

Post 101

So; it's a new year (and a happy one for all of you I hope), and a blogging anniversary of some sort for me.
This is post one-hundred and one.

Of course I have plans and lists and fresh new-year ideas for this blog... and some other ideas that have been hanging around for a while (did I mention a re-design about 6 months ago!?)

As I recently actually sorted out some categories (bottom of the left nav bar) I can now see what I tend to blog about... so I thought now would be a good time for a little reflection, if you don't mind me indulging myself?

Home-made Stuff

Of course this was what the blog was meant to all be about, but as I don't find the time to make that much any more my brief has slightly expanded, I have made some things though. My letterpress 'business' cards, my Being 26 book, Coco's third birthday party bags and the poster/love letter I made for Hugh for our wedding anniversary.

My Home

Our chaotic and very slow-paced renovation is time-consuming, cash-consuming but very worth it; and I appreciate how lucky we are to be able to do it. I want to do more home posts but it's so hard to get photos when it's such a mess all the time. Some early and very much less-read posts include mirror mirror, instant collection, lovely lights and Coco's bedroom.

Minutia & Musings & Motherhood Too

These are the posts I find myself composing in my head as I push the buggy around... like B is for Brompton (which I still own and use occasionally) but a lot of these posts are really about being mother, like the one about my first half term and my all time favourite post I Love Breakfast.

London Out & About

I love trying to capture our London life... and my camera has become a much closer companion since I started this blog. Coco's favourite London haunt is undoubtedly the Pirate Park (as she calls it) mine is Columbia Road - and some of our favourite local spots are shown in our day in pictures.

So, thank you to my 24 followers (and the people on readers too). I love doing this blog, and I LOVE it when I get comments; it really does make my day. I like thinking of things to post about and having some reason to do my mad little projects. I like having a (small!) audience to whom I feel strangely accountable.
But most of all I love having a record of what I've up to. Looking after children is very.... well it's many things but what you don't have is something to show for your time, but in the 100 posts so far I feel like I have done something at least!


  1. Happy 100 posts anniverary! I feel just the same about blogging, for the exact same reasons as you :) I'll have my 1 year anniversary of blogging on the 14th of January...
    I love your house and the nice English touch about it, Coco's room is so lovely. Also, it's always nice to be able to travel through blogs and see new places. Your breakfast post was great! Well, and I am absolutely impressed by the birthday bags that you made. I'm glad I met you and I've enjoyed every single post I've read since I found your blog, so I'll surely be reading the following 100!

  2. Congratulations on 101! Your blog is one of my faves. :)

  3. Thank you Madeline and Anabelle - I knew I could trust you both to comment... although now I'm blushing!

  4. what a great post - so much inspiration, the 26 book, breakfast, letterpress and everything else! I think the letterpress post was when I first discovered your blog : )
