Friday 7 December 2012
Early December on the Mantlepiece
Sometimes instagram doesn't do me any favours... has everyone out there got their trees up and decorated and bought or made their kids super-duper advent calendars?
Of course, I will be doing everything last minute, I promised I wouldn't, but some-how it's the 7th December and I've done NOTHING (actually I tell a lie, see point 9. below).
We'll get there, at least we don't have major home improvements going on like last year... although I do a few things happening... (see point 1. below)
This weekend I'm going to try to convince Hugh to get our tree, and do our Christmas photo so I can start this years card design. Plus I'm planning on getting my blurb order finished to hit their 10th December delivery deadline. Ok, lets see if I can do it...
In the meantime, here is the lowdown on our mantlepiece...
1. When Liberty had their 20% off event last week I went, and money was spent, but in the lighting department on this Lee Broom crystal bulb, and I ain't giving anyone lights for Christmas (although that does give me an idea for Hugh's present).
2. I'm making some Fairy-cake kits - like the ones I did for Coco's party bags - for the school Christmas bazaar.
3. Compeed plasters, the new shoes that I mentioned here are giving me grief.
4. Our first Christmas card (typed thought semi-gritted teeth)!
5. Another nod to Christmas, Coco's advent calendar, no crafting, no chocolate, just a trad calendar. Just the way I like it... (see here for further info on my advent calendar obsession - and also a pre-mantlepiece kitchen - or check out last years advent calendar here - it was a good one).
6. Some slime Coco made at school in science week.
7. A little monster that came flat packed in the form of a birthday card for Coco.
8. It's that time of year when the thermometer is permenantly out, no point putting it away as someone esle is bound to get ill...
9. Tickets to see the Snowman ballet - very excited about this and the only real Christmassy thing I've organised so far.
10. A beautiful card made for Coco by Hugh's sister for her birthday, featuring her very own well loved teddy I've taken some close up pictures of it which I'll have to post in the next few days.
11. Parking ticket, SO SO SO annoying as I got it for parking right outside my house! Am up for a fight on this one.
12. One of Coco's thank you cards... as mentioned yesterday.
13. Need to re-arrange delivery for this parcel... and commit to spending a whole day indoors, and doing the fastest as I possibly can school runs, during which the parcel is bound to be delivered...
**I'm getting quite into my lines and dots - don't worry, I'm sure I'll be over it soon!
Thursday 6 December 2012
Two Important Words
This is the real reason I had pictures of Coco holding letters - for her 'Thank You' cards for all her fifth birthday presents.
I just abused the photos a bit yesterday!
Tuesday 4 December 2012
Before 8.30am
It started well with the normal early morning visit to my bed.
The five year old asks if she can be my daughter for a long time. Yes I say.
But even when I'm ten?
Even when I'm a mummy?
Yes, forever, you'll always be my daughter.
Then, we got up.
Coco, can you get dressed please? (find her playing with cat in pj's)
Coco, can you get dressed please? No response.
Wanders back into my room, dressed but without a skirt.
Where's your skirt? No response
Go and get your skirt, it's in your room. No response
(can you just fffing get out of my hair while I get dressed and find your ffing skirt, I know where it is as I carefully placed if on the chair in your room to avoid having to ask you to put it on 20 times)
Me: Henry come on, lets change your nappy
Henry: No zank you
Me: Common Henry on the change mat (Henry legs it in opposite direction. I run after him and carry him back).
Henry: light ON light ON
Me: No Henry, lie down
Henry: light-light-light-light (I give up and hold him up so he can pull the light on - bad move I know, but my patience...)
Go into Coco's room to find her 'reading' - still with no skirt on.
Yank skirt onto her.
Chase Henry with clothes and manage to wrestle him into them.
Breakfast goes relatively smoothly with the anticipation of being able to open a window of the advent calendar.
Then more of the same ensues as I try to get coats on, bike helmets on (no zank you, says Henry again) shoes on, gloves on and out of the door.
All before 8.30am
No wonder I feel exhausted all the time, just writing all that down has tired me out.
This post is a big NOD to Charlotte's post from yesterday.
(Charlotte, I'm afraid to say, it doesn't get much easier... not yet anyway, just different). Someone told me that you actually have to repeat things three times before kids 'hear' them. Which is fine, except that it drives you mad.
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