Wednesday 15 January 2014

We Love to Read: One Night Far from Here

One Night Far From Here by Julia Wauters - A book review by Alexis from Something I Made

Another book that couldn't be resisted from the Tate bookshop, One Night Far From Here is published by Flying Eye Books.
Featuring creatures and habitats from far away lands (and seas too in fact) this multi-layered book is beautifully produced and has masses of intricate details.

One Night Far From Here by Julia Wauters - A book review by Alexis from Something I Made

For each habitat it shows us a midnight view, with buzzing insects and nocturnal beasts...

One Night Far From Here by Julia Wauters - A book review by Alexis from Something I Made

Then as dawn approaches we see which other animals are on the move.

One Night Far From Here by Julia Wauters - A book review by Alexis from Something I Made

Until finally as the sun rises we can see all sorts of activity. The text has great detail, all the species are referred to with their correct full names - which can sometimes be a bit of a challenge for me (damn you dyslexia) but so far Henry and Coco haven't pulled me up on it. Only a matter of time.
Considering so many children's books use animals in all sorts of weird and wonderful contexts it's great to have a book with a solid factual foundation and I think we'll be referring back to this in years to come, but for now it's another great picture book for our shelves.

Linking up with Tigerlily Quinn

Other posts in this mini-series...
Clara Button and the Magical Hat Day
Mythological Montsers 
There are Cats in this Book & Where is the Cake


  1. Gorgeous book! I'm going to add it to our wishlist. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. oh my gosh this book looks fantastic! I've just added it to my wish list. Thanks so much for adding your link to 'we like to read' off to pin your beautiful pics! x
