Friday 7 September 2012

Two Years Old

It's two years today since I started this blog.
152 published posts, which is just over one a week (plus 15 drafts, must do some housekeeping).

So, this blog has taken on rather a life of it's own - it's not exactly what I set out to do, but I like it all the more for it, it's encouraged me to do stuff and to take lots of photos, it's made use of my obsession with documenting and it's kept me thinking creatively. I've met some really lovely people, found kindered spirits and spent hours-upon-hours reading other peoples blogs.

Of course I want this little blog to be better (a re-design is so over-due) and updated much more frequently - but I have a bit of a problem with high expectations...
Contrary to it's name this blog hasn't been as much about the things I've made as much as I wanted it to be - but hopefully over the next month (I'm not setting my expectations too high here with days/weeks - see what I did there?) I'm going to make an extra-special effort to share some things I've made but for one reason or another have never made it on to the blog.
It won't be the most thrilling series... but we'll see how it goes!

That's me and my messy mantlepiece at 6.15 in the morning. Been up since 5.39am when I finally gave up on trying to go back to sleep. There is too much on my mind - various worries on Coco starting school, the long list of things that I need to be doing, new business ventures and a mish-mash of 'what am I actually doing with my life' thoughts and all those other middle of the night demons.


  1. Happy 2 year anniversary Alexis! I love your blog and just regret one thing: I don't always have time to comment when I would like to.
    Like you've said several times to me, we frequently seem to have the same eye on things and life, and I always feel good when I visit your blog.
    Oh thoughts that keep you awake all night... Oh worries about your child starting school... Oh and what exactly am I doing with my life... I know all about it!
    I'm sure Coco will be fine and she will love school (and you will love the "free" time that it gives you). Let us know how it goes!

  2. I love this picture ! It could be a great topic for blogs : make a picture of our mantlepiece !
    Happy blog anniversary
