Friday 22 March 2013

Bringing in Spring

As I'm being a bit of a woose about the weather I'm not really hanging out much outside (except when strictly necessary, two bike trips to school and back in a day is normally enough for me). Poor Henry is pining for the playground... every time we ride past he says 'park' or 'slide' in a hopeful voice.

I feel a bit like I'm missing out on all the new growth in the garden though so I thought I'd bring a bit inside instead... when we planted the garden last year we got quite a lot of teeny-tiny hellebores. They've all come out and flowered this spring year and I've been enjoying their blooms from a warm distance - but they are also annoyingly a bit hidden from view, so I decided that I'd bring some inside instead, which somehow feels a bit mean (but they are just plants).

We also actually got around to planting some seeds a couple of weeks ago which are starting to germinate on top of the toy cupboard in the kitchen - I don't know when I'll feel like going outside and planting them out... sounds like a Hugh task to me.

We are still protecting our agapanthus plants inside, but amazing how much they have shot up since I took this photo a couple of weeks ago.

I'm joining in with Lou's 'nature in the home' series again this week.


  1. Oh Alexis I know how you feel. I've not been out apart from the school run in days! Love hellebores and sometimes bringing them in as cut flowers is the only chance to see their beauty, unless you are prepared to lie on the ground and look up into their nodding heads. xx

    1. You're so right about their nodding heads - it's very hard to see the best of them!

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  3. Beautiful colours, especially the first photo. I know what you mean about staying in, definitely a good option at the moment. katiex
