Wednesday 2 March 2011

Outside / Inside

Signs of Spring. Every year I seem to take lots of photos like this. I can't help myself. I took this about two hours ago after dropping Coco off at nursery, feeling the sun on my back, lovely.
But I will also miss the gnarly wintry trees too... and after stumbling across the images below recently am wondering where I can accommodate a lovely big bit of tree in our house?

Left: from via decor8 Right: from via door sixteen

Will have to go beach-combing... or maybe just a walk in Richmond Park? Not sure what the 'rules' are on helping yourself to branches in a Royal park though?

And... when funds allow I'd love to get one of these... been lusting after the 'A book becomes a tree becomes a book' shelf since 100% design 2009, I think it's going to stay out of reach for me for a while but you've got to have a WISH list don't you!?

Left: A tree becomes a book becomes a shelf. Right: Tree coat stand by Swedese, from Skandium

(ooh - more trees/twigs branches on walls just spotted on Bloesom this morning)!

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