Friday 3 October 2014

This Morning in the Garden

flowers from my garden by alexis at
This morning I spent a bit of time pottering in the garden; I'm a little in overwhelmed by how much there is to do out there to be honest, we have a couple of beds that need a lot of work as they haven't been that successful and in other places we have plants that are too big so need to be moved/split... plus I need to get on it with bulbs soon (but, oh the choices).

I'm a total garden novice which is why I think I get a bit scared by the jobs too. So instead of breaking out of my comfort zone I stuck to what I know. Deadheading, a bit of weeding - plus some harvesting. And taking photos of it all naturally. Ideal to enter the #fridayfaffingcompetition on instagram. It's kind of multi-tasking right!?

A few small flowers for the press...

Sunflowers in October

My helper

I love these anemone seed heads (or dead heads) I couldn't face just chucking them straight on the compost!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some pretty impressive flowers there -- I am busy actually *learning* horticulture and I don't have anything nearly as beautiful in my garden right now!
