Wednesday 16 July 2014

Blog Hop

I was asked by Abigail to take part in a blog hop... as is rather typical of me that I'm in posting this... I'm hoping she forgive me.
So I get to answer the three questions below as Abigail did (she also asked Lia to take part) and I've seen quite a few other peoples blog hop posts so it was very nice to be asked to join in - thanks Abigail... (and very much looking forward to following along on your blog with your new-house-chapter)!

1. What have been the doings/makings/scribblings at your desk/making table in the last week?

I can normally be found at my desk in the mornings when Henry is at nursery and then again late at night... the last week has found me doing lots of holiday research  - spending way too long on airbnb and making wish lists of holiday destinations but we finally have our summer holiday organised (always at the last.possible.minute - thought we'd be sleeping in our hire car for a while).

I'm also pretty much always making books of some kind or another - although never getting very far, currently I'm simulaneously making our book of 2013 as well as this year. I layout my photo books using inDesign but am thinking about starting more of a scrap book approach now we've bought a printer... taking another computer task offline maybe? Last week I also prepped a couple of some activities for the Coco and Henry to do over the summer holidays... (high hopes of them lasting longer than last years efforts).

Our kitchen table is where anything crafty happens - and it's where (often last thing at night) I've been trying to keep up with my animal drawing project.

2. Where are you currently finding your inspiration? (influences, heroes/who, sources of inspiration, paths exploring)?

I get inspired by everything! It's my problem really... I get ideas for stuff to do all the time and never feel like I have the time to action anything. It's a frustrating place to be. I love hearing other peoples ideas too and I'm one of those annoying people who tells you what you should do as well... I can't help it.

I love looking at IG and other peoples blogs - so much inspriation out there - although it's easy to get overwhelmed and come away from a big blog surfing session feeling more drained than inspired; it's a fine line.

London is a huge inspiration - just being out and about, galleries and exhibitions of course but I also love browsing the shops, shop windows and displays are often so creative (Liberty stationery department the other day was looking particularly fine), or hanging out in parks - being quite into my garden at the moment I'm often eying up peoples front gardens as I cycle along... if I'm in the mood then I do just find inspiration everywhere.

3. How important is being creative to you & how do you blend this with your work/life/family balance?

It's very important to me to be being creative... this blog is really my main creative outlet and although it may seem like I'm not here very much and I also don't look after it as well as I should I do love it and feel it's quite essential to me in many ways. Through these early years of motherhood it's been so good for me to have a space I feel accountable to, so I have a reason to photograph to write and record and occasionally create. I get down if I'm not doing things or don't have a project so this blog serves an important purpose for me. It also means that I'm naturally combining my love for my family and my love of documenting our lives… and I'm so glad that I have my instagram account too. So many little moments that I recorded that would otherwise have been forgotten and I've made lots of friends over there too.

In terms of blending being creative with all the other strands of my life I'm not sure I do that very well! Sometimes I think being a 'creative' person can be a bit of a pain as I'm always wanting to be doing or making and although I enjoy doing things with the children often I'd prefer to be being creative in my own space… but obviously that isn't that practical at the moment, so I need to be patient. I will have time again and I don't want to wish away this time now either. What I try to do is to be in the moment with whatever I'm doing.  I"m not always very good at it, but I think it's the only way.

I've also recently started using Evernote as a place to make notes about everything - so far I've found it quite useful as if ideas come to me I can just jot them down in various virtual notebooks… it's helped me to feel more 'on top' of things.
I know trying to juggle all the things I do can sometimes make me mad... but it also makes me happy.

And now it's my turn to pass on this blog hop.
So I would like to tag the following two bloggers:

Heather at Growing Spaces
Heather juggles lots of hats (am I mixing my metaphors too much there)... one of her blogs is growing spaces where she shares some lovely edited posts of interiors and lots of practical things she is doing to her own home too. I'm currently waiting for her to share more posts about her amazing 30 days of camping...

Lucy at London Loafing
Lucy lives on the other side of London to me and I'm slightly envious that her side is better. I feel like we are similar in our love of good food and also of our fine city. Her blog is great place for London tips or a salad recipe or two!

I'm hoping that despite summer holidays looming you'll still have time to join in? You need to answer the same questions above and then pass the blog hop onto another two bloggers... have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ok having lived in both West and South London I can tell you with ease that WEST IS BEST!!!!!!!
