Sunday 29 December 2013

Christmas Leftovers

Our fridge is still stuffed with food. Presents are scattered around the place, new items yet to find homes. We've been enjoying Christmas outings and then coming home at dusk to hunker down in front of the fire, and enjoy some Christmas telly - Death comes to Pemberley + port + mince pies last night was particularly, well, Christmassy.

Christmas bauble

bay leaves and lemon balm gifts from our neighbour

Bayleaves and lemon balm from our next door neighbour for Christmas.


Half burnt candles and little tube station sign magnetic book marks, these were from inside a cracker.

Christmas crown made by Coco

We've found an accidental tradition, for the last three years Coco has made 'Christmas crowns'. I can't quite bring myself to throw them away yet so they are lying discarded around the place...

Christmas bauble

My favourite new bauble from our Liberty visit. Our tree is staying until twelfth night, even though discarded trees are already piling up in the local park.

gold twigs with decorations close up

Gold twigs in the kitchen

Henry wooden train

The holly has almost lost all it's leaves

The holly has nearly lost all of its leaves.

Paper recycling... I might end up keeping all of this

A box of paper recycling still sits in the corner of the kitchen. I'll probably end up keeping some of the wrapping paper (can't resist) I might even salvage the toilet rolls from the crackers. Coco and I ended up making the crackers on Christmas day in a mini crafting flurry. I'm wondering if I should just make up a few more now and put them in our decorations box ready for next year.

Thank you letters have been started

We've started on the thank you cards.

We never did get around to icing the cake, here it is just with marzipan on our Tord Boontje plate

Our semi naked Christmas cake never did get iced. Our neighbour came over on Chrismtas eve with a freshly made stolen cake (Hugh correction: Stollen cake) which we've been eating instead, it was especially delicious this morning when we took a slice to the park. Hugh and I had ours with coffee sitting in the sunshine while Coco and Henry busied themselves in the sandpit.
I think this Christmas cake is about to become Henry's birthday cake. The next celebration on the horizon.

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