Wednesday 27 November 2013

47/52 A Portrait a Week


Coco - At her birthday party - surveying the scene
Henry - Watching Daddy make a cake.

It was a crazy week last week - we've all taken in turns to get ill, with Henry off nursery and then Coco off school at the beginning of this week and two boringly long trips to the doctors surgery. We had Coco's birthday on Thursday and then her party on Saturday plus a real (ie paid) work deadline thrown into the mix last Friday. And now it's straight onto the C word. As per last year I'm getting freaked out by all the organised people doing good stuff towards the midwinter event on Instagram and Pinterest etc... (people have their trees up already, that's just wrong isn't it? It's still November!) but I'm determined to enjoy it all and not get too lost in the panic. Of course I'm also getting inspired by loads of things too... Check out Davina's lovely Christmas posts - I love her Liberty print baubles, would like to have a go at doing those.

Only five more portraits to take before this project is finished. I'm going to push on for some good ones in this wintery light we are getting. I'd like to do it again next year - it's been a good discipline and has kept me on my toes, but also is such a lovely record of the little moments of life, moments that if I didn't record them would be forgotten forever, next year I might not worry so much about getting a great shot, sometimes a phone pic will do. It's keeping the moments that matters to me.

I do regret not really making the time to look at all the other peoples photos who are doing the project, but I do enjoy my little Sunday evening ritual of checking in on a few of my regular reads; Lou, Nell, Lottie & Abigail (the Bristol posse) are always pretty prompt at getting their portraits up, and I always like checking out what Stanley has been up to on Sarah's blog (which she told me she might stop at the end of the year... NO SARAH, please don't)!

One portrait of each of my children every week in 2013. 
A 52 project started by Jodi of Che & Fidel

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