Monday 22 April 2013

16/52 A Portrait a Week

Henry - playing with his Automoblox (really good toy cars that can be taken apart and mixed up - we got ours from Go Great Toys). When Henry gets into the zone of playing with something it's lovely to watch. He put together three cars and announced it was now a train.

Coco - Her hair is getting longer and she wants to wear plaits all the time now. Two plaits, like Pippi Longstocking.

Doing the 52 Project as started by Jodi at Che & Fidel

1 comment:

  1. i love the plaits! i had a short hairdo for my whole childhood so was the missing link in the chain of girls plaiting each other's hair in school assemblies. the jumper's mega cute. and there's nowt better than a kid really absorbed in an elaborate game, peaceful times...
