Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Nearly Four Year Old's Party Invitations

In a couple of weeks I'll be the proud mother of a four year old... no longer a babe in arms, or a cute toddler, too big for a push chair but riding bike instead. We've weathered the terrible twos and are just about surviving the 'why' phase.

On Bonfire Night when we were trying to get her to hold a sparkler she asked, very earnestly, 'What are we doing this for?
The irony of warning your children about fire and hobs and then making them hold a sparkler.

Anyway, these are her party invitations. The event she's been play-acting and looking forward to pretty much since her last party 11 months and two weeks ago.

They had to involve pink. Of course. And flowers... so there you go.


  1. I love these cards! Oh happy mother of a four-year-old little girl... such a beautiful cute age :)
    By the way, thanks for adding me in your "I read" section, I just noticed now :)

  2. Last NYE we took Lil (then 3.5) to see the 9pm fireworks and halfway through she turned and said to me, "Why are we not in bed?"

    Cute invitations!

  3. @Anabelle & @Madeline - Thanks! I've added you both to my reading list, the first step in actually doing a bit of housework on the blog!
