Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Ikea Promise (I WILL be organised...)

So last night I went to Ikea. I went with a list and I, more or less, stuck to it (in fact the one off list thing I spotted that should have been on the list I then managed to forget).

The fruits of my trip are now awaiting new homes, screws and thread.
Today I'm on a mission.

From left to right we've got...
- Annbeth Fabric (to make a curtain to go across the washing machine (already in progress)!
- New Pluggis bin - with compartments for recycling
- Ribba Frames waiting for things (this deep Ribba frames have been reduced to £3.50! amazing, kind of wish I'd got more, but I stuck to the list, the downside is that the smaller version that they used to make seems to have been discountinued).
- Blankett door handles - we will finally be able to open the doors on our cupboards that were made, um, over a year ago!
- Random wrapping paper purchase - one unplanned purchase isn't too bad? And we always have presents to wrap...
- Ribba picture shelves, I hope these are going to be put up above where the sewing maching is.
- Some Omar metal shelving to be put up for storing tools and paint in the cellar.

This time last year I was feeling envious of my friends AC's organised and tidy house … one year later and I'm getting there!


  1. I want to go to ikea now! I cannot tell you how much I want one of those wooden drawers/filing thingys that you have there....

  2. I do love a splurge in Ikea! Enjoy! :)

  3. I've been planning my next Ikea trip for months now, I can't wait. Still no idea when I'll actually get there, but those picture shelves are on my list.
