Monday 22 February 2016

Videos of our Family Holiday in Essaouira...

We've become proper creatures of holiday habit - we've just come home from our third trip to Morocco, staying in the same hotel and having just as much of a good time as we've had on previous visits.
Although the temperatures aren't high, the skies are (mostly) blue and the air is definitely warmer making it a real treat at this time of year. Returning to Le Jardin des Douars, a place that we all loved has some major plus points; for children especially the familiarity is wonderful, but a year is also a long time for little people so there was real joy for them in re-discovering the haunts of last year. We were also completely swung by the fact that Easyjet are now flying direct from Luton to Essaouira, so a short trip of five days was totally doable and returning to a place we knew meant that no time was wasted on getting our bearings, we even got the same room so we were straight in the holiday mood, in fact we were in the pool within an hour of our plane landing.

While the children made and re-made friends - another family had also decided to make a return trip - I decided to try to capture this years trip on video. I've been really enjoying the Make Films course I'm doing with Xanthe Berkeley but I haven't really had the time to get totally stuck in so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to practice... I shot a bit on my big 'proper' camera - but I also wanted to do some editing while I was there as I'm finding that's the bit that takes me AGES so I also shot a lot on my iphone and edited it with the iphone iMovie app... in fact editing my iphone movies was a great way to kill time on the 3hr flight home (although also means they are all without audio).

So here are some videos made on the hoof as it were - small memories mostly cobbled together while I pretended to my kids that I'm not scared of flying at all; honest.

From England To Morocco from Alexis Allan on Vimeo.

Wandering In Essaouira from Alexis Allan on Vimeo.

Holiday Games from Alexis Allan on Vimeo.

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