Friday 30 March 2012

Early Mornings

There's this annoying thing about having kids; even when they don't wake me at the crack of dawn, my body seems to have decided that it's happy waking up then. Is that why old people get up early? Will I never be able to enjoy a lie-in again? The fears that haunt me.

Most of the time when I wake up stupidly early for no reason I try to force myself to go back to sleep; but sometimes I give in and just get up. Like today. And then I get to see a hint of the sunrise; some compensation I suppose.

It's the last week of term before Coco is permanently in my care and demanding playdates (I can't believe quite how readily I've adopted that term) and other entertainment.

Just as school holidays in the past held all this hope of maximum achievement I am again, on the cusp of these holidays, convincing myself that we are going to do loads of activities, museum trips, Easter baking, Easter crafting, seed planting…. and multiple blog posts too of course. Years of experience should tell me that hardly any of the above will happen, I live in hope.

In a slightly pre-exam panic style I've been cramming; many things that in the 'normal' run of life would deserve a post of their own.
I had a Culture Baby outing yesterday; great trip to the Lucian Freud at the National Portrait Gallery. 30 Mums/Dads with their babies managed to be not nearly as hectic as it sounds - a review will be posted on the Culture Baby site as soon as I get around to it. We've had three little trees put in the garden, more new life to worry about. I've been doing some work for Bold & Noble - more to be shared about that soon. I've been working on my 'frame cluster' as I'm now even more determined than ever to be featured on Fuck Your Noguchi Coffee Table, I've spent some money on a new sofa; which I'll be fighting to 'style' (for want of a better word) so it doesn't look like it came from ikea (it came from ikea) when it arrives next week.

In the blogging world I had a lovely (real life) meeting with Monique from West London Mum - and I'm STILL planning on doing some writing for her, I  still need to finish my humpday holiday post for Madeline, and write my review of the Spitalfields Life book - the launch of which I went to with Polly. Anabelle and I have been hatching a plan that needs to become a reality and I have to email Katie after our lunch last week. And I want to tell everyone about Lou's print giveaway on her blog.


  1. Don't worry, it's so busy over here too...
    I have the opposite problem, I go to sleep so late... Then I regret it every morning.
    Fuck Your Noguchi Coffe Table is excellent! Can't wait to see your new couch and how you "style" it , I've wanted to change ours for months/years, but somehow the money always has to go somewhere else, grrh.
