Friday 22 July 2011

A (Very British) Summer Party

My second cousin hosted a party for in honor of some American relations on Saturday... it had been planned for months but of course the weather turned very British on us...

We soldiered on none-the-less and the BBQ went ahead.

The green-fingered side of the family did an amazing job with the food. Homegrown carrots, courgettes, potatoes and beetroot were made into a colourful and mouthwatering display... and there were lots of blooms fresh from the garden.

First sardines of the season from Cornwall (and amazing cheeses from my cousin in Devon too).
Even Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall would have been impressed.

Summer pudding with allotment grown fruits.

and look at this tomato crop; in the front garden. Not jealous. Honest.

I couldn't resist taking photos of all the different flowers around the house...

Everyone loved the red-current sorbet; no E-numbers in this one, that's all natural fluro!


  1. This looks so idyllic. It's how I dream all of my bbqs will turn out but they're the usual rained off, burnt-on-the-outside-raw-in-the-middle burgers and soggy bread affairs.

  2. Indeed - the difference between my dreams and reality are often disappointing!
