Friday 1 June 2012

Henry's Monthly (ish) Photo

We still do this ^ ^ ^ (sporadically)!
But Henry is a bit more interested in drawing on the blackboard himself now, rather than posing for a photograph.

I only just added his 12 month photo to the rest to make the full set of Henry's first year. It's almost enough to make me feel broody... until I read this.

Also HELLO to my new followers - Charlotte wrote such an amazing piece about this blog on her great blog (I'm blushing now) and also Lynn mentioned how much she liked Annabel's house on Tea for Joy... so it's been a bumper week here.

Have a good Jubilee weekend everyone (waves red/white/blue flag).


  1. He is just edible. Absolutely gorgeous xxx

  2. aww this is such a cute idea!

  3. Hello! I found you on Instagram and then on Tea for Joy so hopped on over. Charlotte's right - it IS a lovely blog you've made. Anyway, whilst reading I wondered if you were the same Alexis I was at school with in Hertfordshire many years ago?

  4. Lovely idea! He is gorgeous!
